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Street Shadow Classic Fighter

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Do you love games in a style where you have to beat them all? Then you should not miss Street Shadow Classic Fighter. As you have already may have guessed, this project is entirely devoted to fighting. If you want to fairly assess your combat skills, then it is perfect option! You will step in the shoes of a gangster who continuously needs to get rid of opponents, including the police. The only way to progress in the game is to destroy everyone who pops up on your way. You can do it by using different techniques of combat fight – kicks, punches, jumps and other moves.

A variety of missions await you!

The game is structured as a collection of different missions a player needs to complete. Every time, you will face an adversary who will try to destroy you. Do not allow it to happen. Make sure you are the first one to attack and destroy your opponent. There are no limitations as to how you use all available moves – combine them in a way to achieve the fastest positive results. Each new mission will come with an increased difficulty. So you must enhance your skills to successfully deal with new trials. Experiment with approaches and fighting strategies to always emerge victorious.

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